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You can also send us an email to the following address: contact@ioma-paris.com

Call us

Our Customer Service is at your service on +33 800 027 363 (free from a landline) Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Write to us

IOMA - Customer Service
87 Rue Réaumur - 75008 PARIS

Find out about our treatments
and meet our beauticians at IOMA Boutique

Boutique IOMA Paris
20 Av. de la Motte-Picquet, 75007 PARIS

Meet our beauticians
at sales outlets

See our "Entertainment" section to find out where and when to meet our IOMA consultants in our IOMA approved outlets.
All questions relating to our products and their uses will be forwarded to our IOMA advisors who will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
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